Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Plunge

August, 1998
I was about to take a dive off a jagged cliff with a faulty bungee cord. Well, at least that's how I felt. As my parents sat across from me, rolling their eyes in exasperation, I tried to explain to them the terror that was starting the first grade.
"But I don't know how to do school!" I proclaimed
"That's the point Emily, you're going there to learn. Besides, you've already met Mrs. Hintz and you know a couple kids in your class, what's there to be scared of?"

  1. #2 Pencils (Assorted Colors) - Check
  2. Loose Leaf Paper - Check
  3. Little Pink Erasers (With Smiley Faces) - Check
  4. Folders (With Flowers and Kittens) - Check
  5. 64 Pack of Crayola Crayons (Sharpener Included) - Check
  6. Confidence - ...
September 1998, 8:40 AM

As I made my way past the mural of children playing under a Robins Egg Blue Sky with fluffy white clouds wandering about, I could feel my palms begin to sweat. I was just a few short steps away from my doom. Pulling my compact pink backpack onto my shoulders, I took the plunge.

Five Minutes Later
It. Was. Not so bad. Actually, it seemed like it would be kind of fun. There was a teacher assistant to help you whenever you got stuck on something, some of my friends were there, you got to color a lot of the time, and most importantly, we got time to mess around with an assortment of brightly colored blocks and games. All of the stress and anxiety over what was basically another year of kindergarten with a little math and spelling thrown in. No big deal.


  1. Your paper is great all the way though, but the end could use a little work. Your voices changes at the end and you have one of the "south park" endings. if you develop that a little more and making it more you this will be an excellent paper. Oh by the way this was really funny in general

  2. I like the way it completley turns from this brutal, anxious, looming entitey to a place of fun. The list of materials also drives home the point of your nervousness. The only thing I would take out is the sentence "Well at least that's how it felt." because it is already shown that is how you feel. Over all I enjoyed the peice.
